Help stop the spread of Covid-19, so we can get back to business.

We have a new uniform-Help stop the spread of Covid-19, so we can get back to business.

Hello everyone, these are our colleagues and our offices. If our office shows up where you are and you need to speak with us AND you're sick or isolating, traveled or been in contact with someone sick, please tell us or our dispatchers immediately. If we are at a fire scene, please give us space to work,  give us at least 6ft if you need to talk to us.

If we come to your house, office, business dressed like this, dont be alarmed, we're just taking the precautions needed in order to keep ourselves & our citizens protected.

Stay home and stay safe, take care of one another, help your neighbors. As humanity we will get through this.

We need to be the best team we can possibly be!!!
