Copyright 2024 by Edmonton Firefighters Pipe and Drums Society

Donations in Memoriam

Bob Weiss-2020

Mike Sokoluk- 2020

John Millard - 2021

Ivy James - 2021

Cathy Lamb-2022

Ben Correlje - 2022

Larry Burton -2022

Doreen Hewitt - 2023

Darrell Marchuk - 2023

Bill Adkins - 2023

Greg Nicholson - 2023

Lionel Milette - 2024

Laura Lawson - 2024


Thank you for your support.  If you would like to make a donation in memorial please use the donate now link below or email so we can recognize that person on this page.


Edmonton Fire Firefighters

Line of Duty Deaths (LODD)

Edmonton Firefighters Memorial