Chief Block Retirement

Chief Blocks Retirement Gala

At Chief Blocks Retirement from Edmonton Fire Rescue Services, we presented him our Pipe banner w/ display, and a "game worn"  plaid, by our President, Adam Lindsay. Chief Block was such a huge supporter of the Pipes & Drums, from the very beginning, that giving him a piece of our history and uniform is a well deserved honour.

Its our new tradition, that with every Chief who retires, he or she will recieve our banner, that we have flown during their time in office.

We want to wish Chief Block all the best as Fire Commissioner, in the state of Victoria, Australia.

From all us with the "Pipes&Drums"

Congratulations once again Ken!!!


Presentation Speach: 

Feb 1, 2020-Chief Block’s Retirement Presentation

Good evening Chief Block & Guests, 

My name is Adam Lindsay, president of the Edmonton Firefighters Piping & Drumming Society. Joining me on stage are our valued members of the Pipes & Drums.

The Edmonton Firefighters Piping & Drumming Society would like to congratulate Chief Block on your retirement, and new appointment to Fire Commissioner in Victoria, Australia. We wish you all the best during your new position.

On behalf of our membership, we would like to thank Chief Block for your support in developing & committing resources to the Pipes & Drums, since our established date in 2016. It is this support that has brought us to where we are today. 

A pipe banner is a decorative flag for the Scottish Highland bagpipes. It is used when a piper performs at high-profile or ceremonial occasions where the pipe banner will be tied to the bass drone of her or his bagpipes. Our Pipe Banner has the Edmonton Firefighters Piping & Drumming Society Logo….a logo that represents our Fire Service, its members and our city. 

The Edmonton Firefighters tartan, which is in the background of our society's logo represents the following. 100 black threads represent the memory of all Edmonton fire rescue members who have passed on, and the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Edmonton firefighters union, which occured in 2017, the same year our tartan was designed; red represents the firefighters themselves; blue represents the City of Edmonton, it’s flag and its citizens; yellow represents the Chief Officers and grey represents the Captains. 16 red threads represent 2016, the year when the Edmonton Firefighters Pipes and Drums was established. The 3 red horizontal lines represent the Pipes and Drums phrase of Tradition, Honour, Pride. The 3 red vertical lines represent the mission, vision and core values of Edmonton Fire Rescue Services. The 5 red horizontal lines represent the 5 branches of Edmonton Fire Rescue and its members. The 6 blue threads represent the year 1906, the year when our full time Fire Department was established within the City of Edmonton. 

Presentation. ( All band members up front or on stage) 

President Lindsay- Would Drum Major Adams & Pipe Major Badmington, please come forward  & prepare the Pipe Banner & Plaid for presentation.  

It is the Edmonton Firefighters Piping & Drumming Society's new tradition that when our Fire Chief Retires, He or she will be handed the Pipe banner that we flew at our performances during his or her tenure.  The name and years that the Chief was the head of our department will be embroidered under the Pipes & Drums Society crest, along with their name. 

This current banner was only flown once, that being tonight at Chief blocks retirement banquet, which we feel is special in itself. Tonight we will also present Chief Block, with a game worn plaid, the plaid is the cape we drape over our left shoulder consisting of the same tartan we wear as our kilt. 

-Please remove the Banner from the Pipe Majors Drone and attach it to the Presentation plaque.  

Present the plaque and Banner & President Lindsay's Plaid to Chief Block.